Friday, 20 June 2008

A Whiter Shade of Pale

Lots of nice sunny days mean Scott has been painting. His theory is if you hit it with a hammer and it doesn't fall off paint it white! Me and Saff try not to stay still too long just in case we're subjected to the hammer test! Check out the pictures here.

Saff's first baby tooth finally fell out, she was most impressed especially when the tooth fairy found us! She looks a bit lopsided and gappy at the moment but the dentist assures us it will sort itself out. Saff has also joined Brownies (Dib dib dib Dob dob dob - or was that Scouts?) So Scott and Saff had a little campfire one night to practice for Brownie Camp. Apparently Brownies have to do a good deed every day and follow the Brownie law - good for us when she gets stroppy - just remember you're a Brownie..........

I'm on 17 days holiday at the moment but before the holiday started we had a successful dingy trip one night when Scott said "It's as still as a millpond out here - if you can't get out of the dingy and onto the boat in this you never will" He spurred me on to make a successful ascent from the dingy by saying "we could have a nice romantic row round the bay!" Needless to say I was out of the dingy and up the ladder!

It was nice to speak to Chris today (you know who you are) - good to know that not all pub customers are so fickle, out of sight out of mind as soon as you no longer run their local!

Please check out the Myrna page on the website, sadly Myrna died on Monday night/early hours of Tuesday morning.
The spooky thing is the picture of her has disappeared from the website - we didn't remove it just logged on today and it was gone!