So we've been in hibernation for some time now - we keep getting lulled into a false sense of security only to be reminded 'Ne'er cast a clout till May be out'. The summer clothes come out as does the paint then the rain starts and the wind picks up.
Scott hasn't been idle though - we now have a fitted kitchen (sorry galley), and we've found out what's behind the green door! Actually that last bit isn't strictly true - we already knew what was behind the door but couldn't open it, Scott opened the door and painted it green on the same day which of course brought to mind the song
Wish they'd let me in
So I could find out what's behind the green door......
We always said as far as possible this would be a green project - now here's the proof!
In case you're wondering the original ship's toilet is behind the left hand side green door, it's broken and we couldn't use it anyway cos it'd just cause a pile on the beach......
But it's now a handy welly storage room.
Scott has also done some work in the wheelhouse - he said he's fed up of putting flat surfaces in the boat because we just pile stuff up on them, so he's put a nice sloping surface where all the instruments of sailing will eventually go.

Saff has made her stage debut - and quite probably her only appearance on stage (she had butterflies the size of your average ostrich!) in a dance called The Rise of the Robots performed at Forum 28 - the local theatre.
That's all for now folks - but when the heatwave starts there'll be lots happening!
In case you're wondering the original ship's toilet is behind the left hand side green door, it's broken and we couldn't use it anyway cos it'd just cause a pile on the beach......
But it's now a handy welly storage room.
Scott has also done some work in the wheelhouse - he said he's fed up of putting flat surfaces in the boat because we just pile stuff up on them, so he's put a nice sloping surface where all the instruments of sailing will eventually go.
Saff has made her stage debut - and quite probably her only appearance on stage (she had butterflies the size of your average ostrich!) in a dance called The Rise of the Robots performed at Forum 28 - the local theatre.
That's all for now folks - but when the heatwave starts there'll be lots happening!