Tuesday 16 September 2008

There are plenty more fish in the sea!

Just as well really as not too convinced about the continued existence of the one Scott caught earlier!

Scott put his fishing rod out whilst the tide was in - he caught a crab which, when he tried to reel it in stuck two pincers up at him a jumped off back into the water. There was probably only about a foot of water left when Scott decided to pack his rod up and give it up for the day. He thought the rod was caught on some seaweed or something as he couldn't pull it, but no it was a fish!

It was a battle but finally the fishing trawler captain won and the fish was on board! Unfortunately,
Freddie, slippery little thing that he was, landed on the deck. However once the obligatory photo shoot was over he was released back into the wild.

1 comment:

MFV Pansy said...

wow! thats a grey mullet and a big one too, especially for where you are and when it was caught, they're elusive little blighters. well done that man.
