Tuesday 29 January 2008

It never rains but it pours.....

.......Or so they say.
They also say bad luck comes in threes, what no one ever said was it comes in multiples of 3 - so if you get to 4 you need another couple to get to 6........

1/Not last Friday, the Friday before our generator blew up, yes that's the second one, not a problem thought Scott - engine blown up on one generator, alternator on the other, combine the two, hey presto working generator. If only life were so simple! The threads on the bolts - whilst looking at first glance the same are completely incompatible, one Japanese, one Chinese generator, imported into Britain and never the tapered shafts shall meet......

2/Yet again we prayed for wind, being the Eco friendly project we strive to be we can manage for a few days without a petrol generator. Wrong! No wind whatsoever, we did discuss buying some big scoops to attach to the blades of the wind generator - the theory being that when they filled with rain the blades would turn. This of course would not have turned the blades fast enough to produce any power but it may, knowing the way thing work out have stopped the rain.

A few days later we awoke to the wonderful sound of a gale! Scott risked life and limb to climb onto the roof and unleash the wind generator. Bliss, computers and phones charging, we could get on the internet and look for a new generator......

3/However the wind didn't last and a couple of days later we were relying on the batteries to keep us going while waiting for the next gust. Then Scott noticed nothing seemed to be charging and on checking the inverter that seemed to be broken too

So we resigned ourselves to keeping the fire going (at least we'd be warm) and bought some candles to light when we'd eeked the last bit of light (12 volt) out of the batteries. We resorted to good old fashioned entertainment (keep it clean! Reading, conversation that sort of thing) We were even in bed (asleep!) by 10 a few nights.

4/ The glass plate in the front of the fire cracked, so now we couldn't even keep warm without suffering carbon monoxide poisoning.

At this point we turned to our friendly local pub landlord, took the computers and phones down there to plug in and sat drinking coffee scouring the internet for generators.

On one of these visits to the pub Phil presented us with a pair of chest waders which had been left by Graham (hence the post in the guestbook). Graham and Rita (Concle regulars) promised us Graham's old chest waders because he got some new ones for Christmas. So thank you Graham for the waders and thank you Rita for buying him some new ones for Christmas and reminding him to drop the old ones off at the pub. Of course I had to try them on, they're more chin waders on me and I can't paddle too deep in them at the moment because they've got some holes in the knees which need patching up, also Scott won't let me paddle if it's too rough because he says if I fall over and they fill up with water I'll never get up again.

So life is slowly going the right way again, we got a new generator and some new glass for the fire, all that's left to sort out is the inverter so we can actually use the power from the batteries with something other than 12 volt lighting.

So we got to 4 pieces of bad luck in the space of a week we decided not to wait for the others to make a multiple of three but to stop being superstitious instead

Still, it'll soon be Summer..........fingers crossed.

Oh yeah hi to Mike Burns if you ever look at the website again, I assume you're Mike from Gamestation - never knew your last name!

Should probably say this more often but once is all you get so make the most of it..... Big Thanks go to Helen's dad for all his help and support so far on this project.
We'd love to see you again soon but you still have to brave the ladder landlubber!

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