Tuesday 29 January 2008

PS.... Time and Tide wait for no girl going to the dentist....

Have to just add about our recent visit to the dentist...... Last Friday

Saff has one of her second teeth coming through, no problem, all kids go through it - except her baby teeth haven't fallen out yet and the new one is growing slightly behind.

So, we managed to get her registered with a dentist (no mean feat in itself), and were determined not to miss the dentist appointment. It was planned with military precision, (Alarm clock set...) me and Saff would get off the boat before the tide, Scott would join us later - he wanted to stay on board for the tide. I tortured and interrogated Scott for hours but he would (or could) not give me an exact time that the tide would be in.
So the morning of the dentist appointment arrived. I was carefully watching the water, then took my eyes off it momentarily (I had to do my shoelaces up)..... and it was around us!
I shouted down to Scott who was still in bed, "We've missed it!" Scott replied "I've told you before it's not a time thing it's a visual thing." After I'd muttered and mumbled a bit Scott said half in anger, half joking, "What do you want me to do carry Saff over!" To which of course my response was YES! Scott leapt out of bed still in his pyjamas, put his boots on and proceeded down the ladder ready to carry Saff over to the edge of the water. Later in the day Scott reminded me of the visual not time comment (neither of us have been able to wear our boots since they're so waterlogged) to which my reply was "I know that but I wasn't looking!"

Anyway you'll be pleased to know the dentist wasn't in the least concerned about Saff's teeth, he's just keeping an eye and hoping nature takes it's course.

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